Teaching Portfolio

Mathematics is for everyone…

Current Classes

Teaching Awards

  • Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award for Teaching – UC Berkeley – 2019

Previous Classes

6A, 6B, 7A, 7B Geometry

Math Taught the Right Way Program - 2017-2019, Berkeley, CA.

Berkeley Math Circle

Various Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Sessions. 2017-2019.
Berkeley, CA

Math 10B, UC Berkeley

Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Mathematics.
Spring 2018.

Math 10A, UC Berkeley

Calculus, Linear Algebra and ODE.
Fall 2018.

Math 222, UW Madison

Second Semester Calculus. Fall 2019.
Directed Reading Program, Geometric Constructions

AMATYC Competition

Competition Coach for YeahEducation Team, Bay Area, CA. 2017-2018.

Invitation for Talks/Seminars?

I'm known to be slow in response during the academic year...