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bringing the joy of plants to everyone
11/7/20 – on campus. 12 kits total (of various combinations below), updated 10/28/20
25 local pickups and delivered
- aloe vera
- spider plant
- jade
- pothos/T.Zebrina/purple heart
- polka dot/ mystery plant
mid-December, 2020 – 30 kits total
Exact date will be whichever that is the warmest.:) Each kit includes:
- 1 aloe vera
- 1 succulent/semi-succulent of some sort
- 1 trailing plant (swedish ivy/pothos)
- 1 prayer pepper peperomia
- 1 mystery plant (depending on stock)
- 1 spray bottle
During the growing season, I am hoping to have one adoption day a month, on a weekend or a weeknight early evening.
- May 2, 2021: I will be leaving a few free plant kits out.
- May 16, 2021: Adoption Day
- June Date: TBA
- July Date: TBA
- Aug Date: TBA
- Sept Date: TBA
Read More about the Project
What is this project?
UPDATED NEWS: I have been getting inro rare tropicals buy/sell/trade and have been able to raised some funds and gained some experience in shipping plants. That means….. PZT will be shipping free plant kits to beginners throughout the continental US.
Our project has also been partly sponsored by Leslie’s Greenhouse to provide some of the plants grown in the state of FL. Periodically, I will also source plants from local greenhouses and farms to be able to keep up with the houseplant love and enthusiasm.
During the Covid-19 global pandemic, my mental health was deteriorating at a hyper-exponential rate (you can ask my calculus students how fast that means!); at many points I was considering giving up on my career and even my life. But then, I joined a Facebook group about giving and sharing plants, and boy was it a breathing floatie tossed in my drowning sea of sorrows! Not only do plants give me so much joy, but caring for them daily also keeps me grounded and accountable. There are a wild number of plants with different needs and suitable for different indoor conditions so that virtually everyone can have a plant in their home.
After growing my collection for a few months (and receiving so much love from the Facebook Group community), I thought I would share this joy with the greater community during this trying time.
If you live close to the Madison, WI area and are new to plants, feel free to contact me for a free Plant Therapy Starter Kit. I package these from up-cycled materials, clean homemade soil mixes, using plant propagations from my own collection. Each kit will include a handful of young plants for which are easy to care. Some example kits include some combinations of: Jade, Aloe Vera, Polka Dot, succulents, pothos, T.Zebrina, spider plants… Currently I do not have the resources to mail them across the country, but maybe down the line. This is 100% free, no strings attached. I would only hope that you look into the proper care for these plants and try to keep at least one of them alive. (Some of them inevitably will die – it is NOT you or your black thumb!) A green thumb can be a trained trait! 🙂
This project is aimed at beginners plant owners (mostly easy-care, common plants). If you are a more experienced plantie (like a foodie – but plants!), you may find that you already have these plants.
So the next time you feel down, grab a baby plant, channel your energy into caring for it and watch it grow. Let those little babies remind you that life is worth fighting for, no matter how fragile or grim looking at the moment.